The Saint Vincent Festival
"On the day of Saint Vincent, the wine rises up to the shoots ."
In Champagne, we celebrate the Saint Vincent Festival every year. January 22nd is the day where winegrowers get together to thank their patron saint for the last harvest and ask him for protection for their upcoming work.
Trélou-sur-Marne winegrowers gather at the "Hordon de la Vallée" Confraternity. Vincent, who was a young Saragossa deacon born in Huesca, died in Valencia in the year 304, after having been tormented. He occupies the highest position within the vine's saint patrons in France, and his very rich legend tells stories that are often analogous to antique Greek god Dionysus'.
During the holy ceremony at the church, it is customary to bestow the most appreciated and respected winegrower of it's congregation for his work and his products, by passing on to him, the Saint-Vincent stick. This year, it was passed on to Franck Météyer !